A Guide for Beginners on Managed WordPress Hosting

Websites can be compared to dogs in that each one deserves a proper home and loving care.
In this instance, your hosting company serves as the home, and in this blog post, we’ll address the subject of whether managed WordPress hosting is the best option for your website.

You could have a lot of questions about hosting, especially at the start of your website ownership career. You must educate yourself on it, and you doubtless wonder whether kind of hosting is the best option for you. Also, you might be debating whether WordPress.com is a viable choice for your requirements.

In this piece, we will go through everything mentioned above in more detail to ensure that your site receives the ecosystem it needs. Learn about managed WordPress hosting, how it varies from other hosting options and self-hosted WordPress, as well as the benefits of using 3W WebServices as your hosting provider.
Finally, we want you to feel confident that you are hosting your website in the ideal location for it to receive the proper care and attention.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

There are many nuts and bolts that go into running a website.
A online presence is made up of numerous moving pieces that must continue to function cohesively in order for it to function well.
Examples include software upgrades for both WordPress and its components, backups and security, and performance improvement.

In a nutshell, it can be difficult.

Most of these routine chores are handled by managed WordPress hosting so you don’t have to.
After the details are taken care of, you can fully concentrate on producing content, promoting your website, and providing for your visitors.

Reasons to choose managed WordPress hosting


Working with a hosting company that focuses on a single platform has several benefits.
Speed and effectiveness come first.

While practically any server configuration can be used to host WordPress, managed hosting gives you access to a setting that is ideal for the platform’s operation.
Faster loading times result from this, which has a significant impact on both user experience and SEO.
Also, compared to other hosting options, managed WordPress hosting typically scales better.
Fortunately, your website will keep expanding!

In contrast, managed hosting just requires you to provide customer service for a single system.
The assistance is consequently considerably more educated about the software that powers your website.
They are also more likely to be able to assist you in troubleshooting your issues as a result.

Furthermore, managed WordPress hosting frequently offers extra advantages like free SSL certificates, easy staging site setup, and customized hosting dashboards.

In other words, you get tailored service with the sole purpose of assisting your WordPress-based site to prosper rather than the bare minimum required for running your website.
It’s like always having a system administrator at your side, taking care of the details so you can focus on the more crucial duties.
With our managed WordPress hosting solution, 3W WebServices specifically tries to achieve that.

What Differs Between Self-Hosted WordPress and 3W WebServices?

Together with many hosting alternatives, the phrase “self-hosted WordPress” may have come up frequently throughout your inquiry, particularly in contrast to a website hosted on WordPress.com.
Also, you may have heard that 3W WebServices has less features than self-hosting your website.
Let’s explain these two points.

Self-help vs. having it done for you

You must first realize that a self-hosted WordPress site and one that is hosted on 3W WebServices are both built using the same software.
WordPress is an Open Source content management system (CMS) that can be downloaded for free from WordPress.org and was created by a sizable group of volunteers to assist anyone in building their own website.

The type of hosting is the primary distinction between WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress.
“Self-hosted” describes a situation in which a user downloads the WordPress.org software and installs it on a server belonging to their preferred hosting company.

That entails setting up a database and login information, using FTP to upload the WordPress files to the server, and performing the WordPress installation procedure (though many providers now also offer automatic one-click installations).

After your site is up and running with self-hosted WordPress, you are entirely in charge of all of the aforementioned maintenance tasks.
You must take care of everything, including security, speed, backups, database management, spam filtering, and other issues.
Anything aside from what you must accomplish to expand your website and business.

You also get a WordPress-powered website after joining 3W WebServices.
Unlike to self-hosted alternatives, you are not involved in any of the technical aspects of setting it up.
You never have to lift a finger to get anything hosting-related done, including the aforementioned maintenance jobs.
Making your website the best it can be is your exclusive priority.

Which is superior?


Here, it’s crucial to remember that one isn’t always better or worse than the other.
They are merely two different configurations for two distinct needs. While some people are content to rely on professional assistance, others enjoy to DIY their entire website.

If establishing a website is similar to building a home, self-hosted WordPress allows you to just buy the land. You are responsible for constructing the actual home, taking care of the plumbing and electrical, shingling the roof, etc.

In comparison, managed WordPress hosting, like that offered by 3W WebServices, is like having a house that is already built and that is maintained by a firm you have hired.
It just has to be furnished and styled however you like it.

Why is 3W WebServices a top managed hosting choice?

Let’s discuss why you should think about 3W WebServices as your supplier after defining managed WordPress hosting.

Speed-Optimized Hosting Environment

As already established, a website’s success greatly depends on its loading time.
People are impatient and will abandon a website that takes too long to load.
Because of this, search engines factor site speed into its rankings.
Because of this, 3W WebServices offers a setup that is geared to ensure that your site loads as soon as possible:

  • Multiple caching layers.
  • Built-in Cloudfalre content delivery network (CDN) so users receive your site files from a server close to them.
  • Website themes optimized for performance.
  • Speed-optimization plugins

State-of-the-Art Security

Another major concern for website owners is security.
The horrifying realization that your website has been hacked, infected with malware, defaced, or even taken offline, is one of the worst feelings in the world.

Here is what we do to safeguard your website:

  • Encrypt all website traffic via SSL by default.
  • Maintain firewalls that keep out harmful traffic and mitigate DDoS attacks.
  • Offer automatic data backups and recovery.
  • Monitor web traffic and detect unauthorized attempts to access 3W WebServices accounts.

Yet, you should be aware that a lot of website security depends on the user.
Making sure that your WordPress site is secure involves doing things like choosing a strong password and controlling who has access to it.

Managed WordPress and Plugin Updates

Another crucial security practice is to make sure the software that runs your website is current.
On WordPress.com, updates to WordPress are immediately uploaded to your site because they contain crucial bug and security improvements.
You don’t need to do anything.

You will always enjoy the most recent advancements in security and functionality.
However, keep in mind that it is your responsibility to ensure that your plugins are updated if you are using a Business or eCommerce plan (or any other account that supports plugins) (though, you can also enable auto updates).

Are You Ready for Managed WordPress Hosting?

Every WordPress website merits a decent host. Although the WordPress platform has very basic requirements, what your hosting has to provide beyond basic server space can have a significant impact on how you interact with it.

Starting up is fairly simple if you decide 3W WebServices is the ideal hosting service for you.
Check out our plans as a starting point.

Managed WordPress hosting provides the least hands-on experience of the solutions offered.
Many of the routine activities associated with maintaining a website can be neglected when using a hosting service like 3W WebServices.
This makes time and energy available for other, higher-impact tasks that might advance your company.

Now that you know what managed WordPress hosting is and how it differs from other hosting options and self-hosted WordPress, you should be able to use it effectively. We have also provided reasons on why 3W WebServices is a fantastic choice for your managed WordPress requirements.
We’d be pleased to have you on board if you decide to give us a try!